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Friday, July 1, 2011

Not born qualified, but has become qualified

My principles on life has always been 1. My God 2. My family 3.My career and health 4. Helping others succeed in their life goals.

In all my life, God has been very good to me. Never failed me. My purpose in life became clearer about 8 years ago. Today, many look at me and say of course you will say God is good . Why would you not say that? You have a great family that loves you, a great career and things are just great for you. To the glory of God, YES

I did not just find myself in motivation by chance, let me share my story. Been married to my husband for over 20years and blessed with four lovely children. My popular slogan, " the toughest challenge of my life has lead to my greatest inspiration" came at a period of anger, and a bad cross road of my life.

I was faced with a great challenged that made me so depressed, and questioned why a good God would allow something like that to happen to me. I cried, and cried and asked why, why , why? I was angry, I was bitter, and was very sad. For one year, I played the pity, victim mentality. I would go to church and while everyone is dancing and praising God, I look at them like what is making you happy? Kleenex tissue was my best friend then. Always crying and so angry that God would let the "evil people" strike like that.

Then one day, I met with CHRIST. I had a dream, and I saw Christ, who opened His hands wide and I went to Him, cried, and He whispered in my ears,"Welcome back into the Kingdom" I continued to cry, then He whispered to me, YOU ARE COMFORTED. Then, He told me, "WITH THE SAME COMFORT THAT I HAVE COMFORTED YOU, GO COMFORT OTHERS" When I woke up, I went to my bathroom, stood in front of the mirror and said,"Moment of discision,no more tears. Even if the devil did this to me to keep me quiet, it will be the reason why the world must hear me" I started playing gospel music and dancing that morning. My family thought, what a great transformation. I shared my dream with them, we all went to church and were very joyous. Many seeing me rejoicing were very happy and even rejoiced more.

My motivation came naturally after that. Having seen the goodness of God in my life, and how God is comforting us, it was very easy to share this with others. THere are many things that I do not understand. I do not know why many things happen. I know life is not fair sometimes. I have decided, that even though I do not understand why these things happen, I chose to believe in God. I refuse to be bitter, and I refuse to play the blame game. I chose to Look unto Christ, for all my affllictions were nailed on the cross years ago. I am not going to make myself heavy by carrying them after it was nailed to the cross.

Even when I wondered why a good God will let something bad happen, and how God can be glorified in such bad affliction, today, I see His Divine purpose. "But He knows the way that I take; When He has tested me, I shall come forth as gold". Job 23 verse 10

I have been comforted way beyond my wildest expectation. I am on a mission to comfort, inspire, and motivate others. Thats my anointing and that is the purpose of my creation. Many lives have been blessed so far. But it is still a drop in the ocean for the work that lies ahead of me.

Are you discouraged, disillusioned and very disappointed? Your heavenly Father knows what he is doing with your life. You will survive the fires of the furnace.

I was not born qualified, but I have become qualified to comfort, motivate, and inspire millions to reach their full potential. In the process, bringing millions to the knowledge of a loving God and into His righteous


Addendum: As my testimony continues.

So on January 31 of January 2011, we lost my 8 year old son. It was a heavy blow on the family. My husband broke the news to me. I was in great shock, screaming, yelling, crying, rolling, banging. Hmmm a mother's love. Was in deep sorrow. Crying and calling my son's name. Oh what a day. Suddenly in the shock, I saw my daughter who was also rolling on the floor with me. What will my Lou want I asked myself. Definitely not this drama. At that moment, the presence of the Lord became heavy upon me. Instead of pains and sorrow, I felt peace. Peace, that I could not explain. We started to thank God for trusting us with his special angel for 8 years. It has indeed been a blessing. Many prayers, greetings, calls and encouragement came to us from all over the world. This we are very grateful. Indeed, Christ has comforted my family and I beyond our wildest expectation.

I was not born qualified, but I have become qualified to comfort, motivate, and inspire millions to reach their full potential. In the process, bringing millions to the knowledge of a loving God and into His righteous Kingdom.

Poem for Abiola


There are angels among us,
one for me and one for you.
God sent them to watch over
our whole lives through.
I knew that when I met you,
I saw a certain spark.
you appeared before me,
when the world seemed so
God must have had me in mind
when he gave me a friend like
He knew I would need advice,
and a helping hand or two;
Someone to pick me up,
when I stumble and fall,
when the world seems so
and not worth living at all.
I have certainly had my days
when I needed your hand.
I thank God for sending you to
and for including me in His plan.
If you ever need comfort,
the way I sometimes do,
please think of me,
I will always reach out my hand
and offer you comfort too.




She was the glue that bind us together;

Mama was the IT for our family

She didn't go to medical school;

But her caring hands raised us all

She never went to seminary;

But she was the one who taught us

the fear of the Lord

Waking us up at 5am to pray,

sing hymns

And read bible verses

What great investment

Her advise was next to none

At the time we felt she was too blunt

Oh how wrong we were.

Mama’s advise is now so remembered

Mama had a good, long life.

Yes she lived to be 103

That's why we miss her so much.

It is our first Christmas without mama

Oh how she is missed.

Even though I cry because I miss her

They are tears of joy

She ran her race so well

And handed the baton to us

As we run our race,

Lord help us to love, and not be weary.

Sun re o

Mama de mama

Mama Kayode, Mama Dupe, Mama Abayomi


What if someone stops breathing?

I was on my way to teach CPR one day, when I decided to stop briefly at work. I was getting report from one of my staff when suddenly, her speech slowed down. Hurry up I said as I am scheduled to teach CPR in 30mins. She smiled, nodded, and continued giving me report. A few seconds later she clutched on to her chest. Oh do you want me to practice CPR on you I joked. Tears started rolling down her cheeks, then I realized my goodness, she is having a cardiac arrest ( heart attack) right in front of me. She fell to the ground stopped breathing and lo and behold, I was thrown into action knowing all that can go wrong if I do nothing. Thank goodness, she spent some days in the hospital and was fine.

Question is what would you do if someone stops breathing . What if that person is your family member? A friend shared with me this morning how just yesterday she had to give her husband the breath of life because he stopped breathing.

Do you know what to do if someone stops breathing? Worse still what if the heart stops beating? Do you know Basic Life support? Or would you just throw your hands in the air and beg for a miracle.

Please, learn Basic Life Support today.

I got involved because a friend went to a restaurant to eat, choked and died right in the restaurant as no one was trained in CPR. She was only 37years old.

As a health care provider, preventable deaths gets to me. That is why today, I have chosen to create some awareness on CPR. Learn CPR today.

If you are in Nigeria, I am working closely with Dr Olaleye and Wish for Africa to create awareness and teach as many people as will listen to me Basic CPR.

For together, we can save a life

Abiola Saba RN BSN CALA

by Abiola Saba on Saturday, March 13, 2010 at 10:58am