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Saturday, September 3, 2011

My take home from John Maxwell conference

The John Maxwell conference in West Palm beach Florida was indeed a life changing event for me as well as many others. Coming out of the conference, I felt very empowered to go to the world to add value to people’s lives. As an agent of Change, I feel equipped to impact lives. The conference brought committed people from all over the world. People who are ready to add value to lives, love, give hope and ready to make a difference. The conference room, had different people from various back grounds. From billionaires, to brain surgeons, to dentist, nurses, to business people and janitors. All with goal to fulfill the purpose of God for their lives and impact lives.
We are John Maxwell’s legacy. John was so open and so transparent. John gave us his blessings. I enjoyed the sincerity from John’s teachings. John is transparent even sharing his grandchildren and home with us. He prayed for us, and certified us as coach, speakers, and trainers. This certification enables me to be at a level I have never imagined.
In my heart, I felt confirmation that I am at the right place at the right time. Very happy that I was fulfilling God’s purpose for my life, for it was not an accident that I was there. Every speaker and member of the faculty showed up to add value to our lives.
I spent days flying with eagles. Met many people from all over the world, who have become friends and agent of change. God has used John Maxwell to plant in me a spiritual seed which will grow, and create a ripple effect. It’s the most amazing conference I have ever been to and am ready to add value to people’s lives.
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  1. Abiola,

    A blessing to you and a great insight here on the Maxwell event. Yes! John was transparent. This is the way i live my life as well. Let's add vlaue to as many people as possible. In God's love and grace, He will help us "move mountains!"

    "May you walk in freedom..." - Psalm 119:45

    Bryan Anthony-Orlando

  2. Many thanks Bryan. Blessings my friend
